Undergraduate Researchers

CHAN, Lok Yan Stephanie

I am a Year 5 speech and hearing sciences student who will be working on music and phonological development of children for my final year project. Being a music and language enthusiast since I was a kid, I hope to explore the facilitation or language learning through incorporating music training. 

Email: chanlokyan983@gmail.com

LEE, Xin Yi Bobo  

I am a Year 5 Speech and Hearing Sciences student, planning to work on the relationship between music and phonological development in children. Been getting in touch and learning music since childhood, I am curious on investigating how music affects the development of children and the possible applications of music in speech therapy. 

Email: bobolxy@connect.hku.hk

TSANG, Chun Ning Cyrus

I am a speech and hearing student in my final year of study. In my final year project, I will be investigating the relationship between music training and phonological development among children. I had started learning music at a young age, and I am excited to understand more about how music training influences phonological development and ultimately language acquisition. 

Email: cyrus1126@gmail.com