Cantonese Children’s Listening Skills for Tones and Music

Invitation Cantonese-speaking children to participate in a music research study 誠邀廣東話母語兒童參與音樂學習的研究
The Speech and Music Perception Laboratory is inviting you to participate in our research project. 
Aim: To evaluate Cantonese children’s listening skills for tones and musical tones.
Target participants: Native Cantonese-speaking children aged between 4 to 6.
Duration: Approximately one hour.
Involvement: Participants will complete a series of tasks at the HKU lab.
Compensation: a $50 book coupon, a certificate of appreciation, and an individual report.

If interested, please register via the link:  or scan the QR code in the poster!

This study has received ethics clearance from the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) at the University of Hong Kong (Reference no.: EA210351). If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact the HREC, HKU (2241-5267).

The research team will only contact eligible individuals. If you wish to learn more or have any questions about the study, please feel free to contact Ms. Yu at +852 3917 7621 or email Thank you!